Do I have to host ads on all pages?

No, you only need to host ads on the landing page. If you don't have a landing page, you can host ads on the most visited page of your site.

Is there a limit to how many times my ad will be displayed?

There is no hard limit, but your ads will be shown approximately the same number of times as you display ads on your site.

Do you track users for your ads?

No, we don't use any cookies or trackers on the users. Ads are displayed solely based on the website visited.

How is this different from Google Ads?

Our service is free, uses no trackers or cookies, provides clutter-free ads, and employs a cross-promotional concept.

Do I have to keep the code snippet on my website?

Yes, as long as you intend to display ads. You can pause and resume ad display (on your site as well as for your ads) from the dashboard.

Do ad blockers block Symbiotic ads too?

Not yet, but it wouldn't be too difficult for them to do so. We're okay with this - if a user absolutely does not want to see ads, we won't show them.

How do you verify that people are displaying ads correctly?

A crawler will verify the code snippet in the HTML file and take a screenshot for verification.

Can I promote any product through symbiotic ads?

No. We verify products based on two criteria: 1) It must be legitimate and function as claimed. 2) It must be appropriate, containing no nudity, cryptocurrency, or spam-like content.

Can I write anything in my ad?

There is a character limit of 80 characters for ad descriptions. Additionally, the description must not be deceptive or exaggerated.

How does the algorithm choose which ad to show on which site?

The ads are shown completely randomly. This ensures fairness for all advertisers and reduces algorithmic bias.

How much will it cost me?

This is platform is free for everyone. You can <a class='underline' target='_blank' href='https://buymeacoffee.com/tirthd'> buy me a coffee </a> if you wish to support me.